Residential Street
- 14 homes on full-sized lots
- Multiple manicured backyards available
- Curvature of street allows certain architectural styles to be filmed while others can be left out of shot
- Architecture representative of houses across America
- Any house on the street may be altered, as long as it is returned to its original condition
Business District
- 42 unique storefronts
- Made of entirely non-combustible materials
- Architectural styles from cities and towns across America
- Structural design representative of 1920s onward
- Horizontal, straight roof lines make CGI backgrounds easier to create
- Special effects welcomed
- Street and block designs that allow one architectural design to be filmed while others can remain out of sight
Natural Areas
- Hundreds of acres of open space and forested areas
- From knolls to hay fields, the Ranch has beauty you might only see in the Midwest or East coast
- All located within the 30-Mile zone but tree and plant species from across America
- Open meadows where structures can be built
- Several areas that can be altered or be the site of pyrotechnics and special effects
Rural Sets
- Barns, bridges, cabins and houses with authentic look and feel
- All buildings can be altered as long as they can be returned to their original state, unless otherwise agreed
- Location of the Ranch allows for fewer noise restrictions or interference
- Abundance of on-site water makes special effects permit acquisition easier